Monday 25 April 2016

Translink Let Charlie Ride!

 CTV News reported it became  clear that Arlin's dog does not have the specific certification required in TransLink's rules, but rather a medical certification issued by a doctor."  None of the  drivers actually asked to read the medical certificate.The drivers wouldn't let me on the bus, and  did even ask me to produce a guide dog certificate, just told me to get my dog off the bus, or your not bringing him one here" That was not acceptable! 
 I have  a medical certificate from my doctor identifying the service dog but lacks the signifying vest. The dog is not certified by any service animal agencies. That is what Jayne Dyson from disability alliance told CTV News "and charlie needed specific training to the high standards of the province  or he is not a service dog."  Both CTV News and Jayne Dyson from Disability Alliance BC will not apologize. It really hurt me a person with disability My medical certificate authorized me using Charlie as my service dog  What the  Public Safety & Solicitor General had to say about it "Individuals are not required to get their Guide or service dog certified "You do not need your guide or service dog certificate when entering public establishments." I  wasn't allowed on a buses  the drivers were just mean, and  refused to let me  on because of my service dog. I was shocked and devastated. CTV news say they don't have the resources to do my story again. I am very frightened without my dog he is my hearing dog not a comfort dog The Coast Mountain Bus Company agrees that a guide dog certificate is not require,d but will not change Translink pet policy, and are just letting drivers continue to deny me service  until Human Rights Tribnal makes a decision. I am speaking up the drivers did not act appropriately in respect to their conduct, and the Coast Mountain Bus Company needs to be reminded of their protocol dealing with people with disabilities! Now the truth is out trans link  not going by any protocol. I expect that there will be a change, because this is important!  This really hurt me as a person with disability!  
Translink please let charlie ride!!!!